Please Update Your iPhone and iPad

Recently, Apple released a patch for its products to fix a vulnerability in the Broadcom chipset used in iPhones and iPads. Failure to update your software could leave you vulnerable to attacks across any WiFi network.

The latest patch you need to apply is version 10.3.3 of iOS.

While we are talking about updating your iOS software, our engineers have noticed a staggering amount of customers who do not update their software with regularity. We have polled the customers and often they respond with “I don’t like the new features and how Apple rearranges my settings.”

We understand. Apple not only releases critical bugfixes and patches (which you absolutely need in order to keep your data secure), but they also add new enhancements that some find confusing and frustrating. While there is no word from Apple on changing the way they release iOS updates, we believe the need to keep your data safe is more important than the frustration of new features. Therefore, we will always encourage you to apply the latest iOS updates. Your data safety and security is our highest priority.


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